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Re: Icons

Colin Harrison wrote:

Taskbar icons are a bit of a mess at the moment...background stripes have
crept in (I think?) as a regression,
compared with what I remember as to how they looked when first introduced.
I'll see if I can find an old version to verify and then trawl CVS for

Icon handling and formats changed a bit with WinXP, due to addition of Alpha support. I made some changes in winmultiwindowicons.c. It was trying to change window icons by changing the class icon, which (in my experience) does not update the windows of that class. A better method is to directly change window icons with WM_SETICON messages.

The current design is to make a new Window clas for every window. I don't think this helps anything. I think the way to go is to make a single window class for all X-managed windows, with the class icons defined as the X logo. If one-class-per-window was done just for icons, it doesn't work anyhow. Does anyone know of any reason not to use just one class?

Joe Krahn

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