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Re: Icons

Colin Harrison wrote:

Just did a hack along the lines of:-

Make Icons from X hints at 32 pixel iconSize (using Earle's algorithms as
they stand) and convert the icon to
whatever size was requested from winXIconToHICON along the lines of:

Worked for me 16x16 (no stripped mask problems).

I've got to find some 24x24 etc examples somehow?

I'm on XP, 48,32,24 and 16 pixel icons only possible. Should we just work
with these values?
48x48, 32x32 and 16x16 are recommended by MS (no 24x24?).
We should only create SM_CXICON and SM_CXSMICON sizes, which for now means 16 or 32 bits. I think 48-bit is recommended mainly for displaying icons from file resources in explorer windows.

This one may be useful for alpha blending code in future:-;en-us;Q318876

I'm lazy, surfing for code is sometimes easier than writing it :)
Surfing for code is always good. Why re-invent the 'wheel'?

I already have code that handles Alpha, and creates 'standard' icons if Alpha is not supported (only important for pre-XP). Alpha icons in X are currently only supported by NET_WM properties. The trick for Alpha is realizing that RGB values must be pre-multiplied by Alpha. This is why colored pixels show up where the 'alpha' bitmask is zero: the RGB pizels are supposed to have been multiplied by zero.

I'll work in some new code and post it [hopefully] tonight.


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