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RE: Page Up and Page Down

Mike Hicks wrote:
> Hi.
> I have what appears to be a plain US 104-key keyboard
> manufactured by/for Compaq.  Using xterm, when I press the Pg
> Up key on the number keypad, I get the character sequence
> ^[[5~ and I get ^[[6~ for Pg Dn (^[ is actually a single
> character, escape).  However, the Page Up and Page Down keys
> in that middle section between the number pad and main
> keyboard area produce different sequences, ^[Or and ^[Ou
> respectively.  On my Linux box at home, I believe xterm
> always produces ^[[5~ and ^[[6~
> I also use PuTTYcyg []
> to use the Cygwin command line (since the Windows Command
> Prompt window royally sucks).  It produces ^[[5~ and ^[[6~
> for everything.
> (By the way, if you're at a command prompt, you can see what
> the shell is seeing by typing ^V prior to pressig the key.)
> Anyway, I've looked through the app-defaults for xterm, and
> haven't found anything obvious, so this must be hidden
> somewhere else.  I'm not aware of anything I might have
> changed to cause this to happen.
> It is problematic, since vim expects the sequence produced by
> the keypad buttons, rather than the ones produced by the middle keys.
> TERM is set to 'xterm' in both xterm and PuTTYcyg.
> --
> [ Michael Hicks | ]

if nothing else, remap the sequences in your .[g]vimrc file(s).

Also, use setup to download rxvt and see if that provides you a better


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