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problem compiling code with OpenGL calls

I trying to compile a simple .c program that I
downloaded from I'm using the following to
compile the program (works on my UNIX box...):

gcc example.c -lglut -lGL -lGLU -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lX11
-lXmu -lm

I get a slew of compile errors, for every OpenGL api
call..For instance:

undefined reference to `_glClearColor@16'

I noticed something a bit odd. The documentation
states that /usr/include/GL should contain the files:
glut.h and gl.h, but I ONLY have glut.h.

I took a look on my UNIX box at the missing gl.h file,
and it turns out that all of the prototypes for these
calls are in gl.h. 

Any suggestions? I'm puzzled as to why the glut stuff
is there, but the opengl stuff is not..

Thanks, Scott

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