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Re: Consensus about man and doc X11 directory structure

On Wed, Oct 12, 2005 at 03:08:50PM -0400, Larry Hall (Cygwin X) wrote:
>Gary R. Van Sickle wrote:
>>>>1) How many of our BDs actually work for Red Hat anymore?
>>>1 (one)
>>Harold also stated:
>>"Look, it has been made quite clear to us on several occasions that Red Hat
>>doesn't pay for anyone in their company to do development on Cygwin[...]"
>>Is this correct?
>Yes, Chris has made this statement in the past.

Actually, Corinna does get paid to work on Cygwin from time to time but
it isn't a full-time arrangement, AFAIK.  I believe that the vast
majority of what she does is on a volunteer basis, though.

The last work that I did on Cygwin for Red Hat was entirely unpaid,
however.  I worked through Christmas 2003 implementing some
thread-related signal handling stuff for a big customer.


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