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Re: port existing x windows application to win32

On Thu, Nov 10, 2005 at 09:53:54AM -0500, Richard Campbell wrote:
>Michel Bardiaux wrote:
>> Thomas Dickey wrote:
>>>(Perhaps you should discuss this on the regular cygwin mailing
>>Not really possible, the trafic there is way too much for the time I
>Perhaps you should discuss this on the cygwin-licensing list, which is:
>1) Designed specifically for cygwin-licensing discussions.  2)
>Extremely low volume (~16 messages in 2005).

Oh, please don't.  This is a simple concept.  There is nothing complicated

If you build your program using Cygwin's gcc then your program is GPLed
regardless of whether it is using X11 libraries.

If someone really can't get this concept then maybe they should retain legal
counsel to explain it to them.  They certainly don't want to make a mistake
with something like this.

However, Corinna is right as usual.  This whole discussion is off-topic
for this mailing list.  This is a mailing list for discussing cygwin/x.
It is not a mailing list for discussing how not to use cygwin/x.


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