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Re: Xwin.log error

Peter Farley wrote:
> PMFJI here, but why in the world are you using
> startxwin.bat a 2nd time to start a 2nd xterm?  

That was the only icon/xterm-starter installed

> In all
> my cygwin-X experience, starting a second xterm is
> just a matter of using the xterm icon distributed with
> the other X-server pieces from setup.exe.
> I think it is an optional install item, so you may
> have missed it if you only specified the defaults to
> install.  The item is labeled "X-start-menu-icons". 
> Once it is installed, go to Start/All
> Programs/Cygwin-X, there is an xterm icon there you
> can use to start another xterm.
> Or you can extract the xterm startup line from
> startxwin.bat and store it as startxterm.bat.
> Peter

I'll give that a try but I am still wondering what changed. XWin.exe
used to be able to determine that another instance was running and just
quietly exit.



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