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Re: problem while starting xserver

Instead of trying to make XWin.exe acknowledge the -slient-dup-error switch,
have you considered eliminating the need for it to do so.  

If you need Cygwin everytime you use your PC, consider the following

Add C:\cygwin\usr\X11R6\bin\startxwin.bat to the startup menu so that X is
running upon logon.  This assumes that you have declared an environmental
variable 'cygwin' with the value "server".  This also assumes that you ran
the /usr/bin/cygserver-config script by typing " /usr/bin/cygserver-config"
at the command prompt.

Now, drag the xterm shortcut icon down (or rxvt shortcut icon) to the Quick
Launch bar.  With this step your done.

Whenever you log on you have a terminal emulator, and simply clicking on the
xterm icon on the Quick Launch toolbar will give you all the xterm windows
you need without any more errors.

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