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Re: glTexImage3D missing?

On Thu, 31 Aug 2006, Bernhard Ege wrote:

> Thanks. I tried to link with GL, GLU and glut but linking kept failing.

Note that these are: the X11 versions, newer than 1.1, but based on Mesa,
so they are software rendering.  There is a special test version of the X
server that allows hardware rendering to work here, but it is very alpha.

So, if performance is a major consideration, the Windows native versions
are your only good choice.

> Brian Ford wrote:
> > Microsoft's OpenGL is version 1.1.  glTexImage3D is not a version 1.1
> > feature.  You need to learn how to load extensions and look at
> > EXT_texture3d and glTexImage3DEXT.
> Thanks again. I knew glTexImage3D wasn't a 1.1 feature, but since I had
> so many problems compiling opengl with cygwin, I ended up linking with
> the windows libraries. I did try to load glTexImage3D but kept failing.
> I'll try using you hints to work out a solution using the windows libraries.

Given you have a glut based app, if there are no extraneous X11 calls,
this is your best bet.

Brian Ford
Lead Realtime Software Engineer
VITAL - Visual Simulation Systems
FlightSafety International
the best safety device in any aircraft is a well-trained crew...


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