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Re: 1.5.21: works, startxwin.bat does not work

René Berber wrote:
Scott Fordin wrote: [snip]
Strange thing though is that it does work on another machine.

Very strange, the differences you sent don't show an invalid script at all. One of the 2 files has \r\n endings (that's the reason for the first 2 differences) but as long as they are being executed by it doesn't matter.

Thanks again, René. I found the solution to the startxserver.bat problem! Using one of your clues, I discovered that the Singular post-install script did not update my PATH correctly. I fixed the PATH to c:\cygwin\bin and c:\cygwin\X11R6\bin, and lo, the X startup script worked.

You can create a shortcut to and then edit its "Properties"
so the target ends up like: C:\cygwin\bin\run.exe -p /usr/X11R6/bin/
bash --login -c startx [Ref:]

Excellent. This is just what I was looking for.

I use a shortcut to start X Windows only (no xterm):

C:\cygwin\bin\run.exe -p /usr/X11R6/bin XWin -multiwindow -clipboard
-silent-dup-error -dpi 100

Very nice. Thanks again René. I really appreciate your thoughtful responses and the way you stuck with the problem.

Best regards,


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