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Re: openbox works, but how do I get the middle mouse button to display a menu?

John F Davis wrote:
> Hello
> I have openbox working, but when I click my middle mouse button on my
> windows desktop it opens windows desktop dialog.
> On a related issue, if I use openbox and icon a window, I can not
> access the windows anymore.  Openbox on linux accesses the icon'd
> windows via the middle mouse button clicked on the desktop.
> Please advise.
> JD

Do you have -emulate3buttons set on your server?  If so, you need to press 
buttons 1 and 2 (left and right) at the same time to emulate the 
middle/third button.

It doesn't sound like this is what you want, so make sure you're not 
starting X with this parameter (check your startup script).

Otherwise, what type of mouse and mouse driver do you have?  Some drivers 
will change the behavior of the middle button so X doesn't recognize it.


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