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RE: Problem with arrow keys in x-based applications on cygwin

Per Thorlacius wrote on Sunday, January 27, 2008 7:30 PM::

> The arrow keys are not sending escape sequences, they are entirely
> ignored. 

Do you get any keypress events when you press the keys?  Try running
xev.  In the window that opens, press the cursor keys and watch the
output.  If you get an event when you press the keys, make a note of
the keycode.

You can then use xmodmap to associate the keycode with a keysym.

E.g. my keyboard produces the following keycodes:

Left  100
Right 102
Up    98
Down  104

Using this information I would create a .xmodmaprc file in my home 
directory with the following lines:

keycode  98 = Up
keycode 100 = Left
keycode 102 = Right
keycode 104 = Down

I'm not sure if it matters in this case, but it's best to avoid 
DOS style CRLF line endings, so don't use notepad to do this (or
if you do, run "d2u ~/.xmodmaprc" afterwards).

Run the command "xmodmap ~/.xmodmaprc" to enable the keys.  This
command may be added to the script you use to start X.  Note that 
I have found it is necessary to wait for Xwin to complete its 
initialisation, otherwise the command does nothing, so after 
running Xwin, sleep for a few seconds before running xmodmap.



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