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Re: X, backingstore and opengl

Angelo Grandiosity wrote:
Jon TURNEY wrote:

glxgears, glxinfo are GL demo programs which come with mesa (the OpenGL library)

It would be useful if you could install the mesa package and check if glxinfo, glxgears work for you.

You have ignored my cygchec.out here [1]. I have those packages installed and glxgears, glxinfo seem to work (see opengl.txt below).

Thanks. The output of glxgears and glxinfo all looks as expected.

Irrespective of if I use +bs or not, with 1.5.3-4, simple.C runs ok, geom/shapes.C causes ROOT to segfault unless XLIB_SKIP_ARGB_VISUALS is used.

You should raise the ROOT segfault as an issue with the ROOT developers. They will be far more qualified to diagnose the issue than me.

The fact that also XWin segfaults, means it isn't a problem only for ROOT developers...

I'm not saying it's a problem only for them, I'm saying they know far more about the internals of ROOT than me. Please try to look at this from my perspective:

For all I know, you may have 2 separate problems.

For me geom/Shapes.C always segfaults ROOT unless I have XLIB_SKIP_ARGB_VISUALS set. This is suggestive that ROOT can't handle ARGB

ROOT is the only OpenGL application that Cygwin/X has reported problems with at the moment.

If you wouldn't mind trying again, I've built a slightly different debug version, which you can get from:

Just for completeness, I have tried and IT WORKS JUST FINE and without XLIB_SKIP_ARGB_VISUALS! Respect to the previous testing-XWin you have proposed, with XWin.20081203132739 also the keyboard works just fine!!!

So, I doubt we are referring to the same failing XWin which one finds on
the mirrors...

I know you must be finding this frustrating, I know I am. But I am not lying to you when I say that I am using Xwin.exe from 1.5.3-4 and it doesn't fail for me when I run ROOT simple.C, irrespective of if I have +bs selected or not.

I don't have some secret Cyginw/X goodness which I'm not putting into the X server which gets uploaded to the mirrors for some bizarre motive. :-)

Ok. I've spent a bit more time to carefully build an image which should be identical to the 1.5.3-4 one except for the addition of debug symbols, so perhaps you could try and see if that one fails for you.

Failing that, can you post the XWin.exe.stackdump file which is generated when the 1.5.3-4 X server segfaults for you, and I'll see if I can extract some useful information from that.

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