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Re: Swiss German Keyboard Layout - Some Keys Not Found

Sascha Tayefeh wrote:
Dear all,

I have been trying to set the Swiss German keyboard layout:

$ setxkbmap.exe ch -model pc105

Fortunately, most of the keys are recognised ... unfortunately, some
are not. äöü are not recognised at all. Furthermore, some combinations
with the right meta key don't work, e.g. pipe: |.

Any suggestions what I have done wrong or what else I could try?

Telling Windows I have a Swiss German keyboard, my /var/log/XWin.0.log contains...

(--) winConfigKeyboard - Layout: "00000807" (00000807)
(--) Using preset keyboard for "German (Switzerland)" (807), type "4"
Rules = "xorg" Model = "pc105" Layout = "de_CH" Variant = "(null)" Options = "(null)"
The XKEYBOARD keymap compiler (xkbcomp) reports:
> Error: Can't find file "de_CH" for symbols include
> Exiting
> Abandoning symbols file "default"
Errors from xkbcomp are not fatal to the X server

So it seems that the name of the auto-detected keyboard layout is no longer correct.

Guessing wildly, is 'setxkbmap ch -variant de -model pc105' any better?

If you let me know the setkxbmap which works correctly, I can update the table of autodetected keyboard maps appropriately.

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