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RE: Windows scaling

Jon TURNEY wrote on Tuesday, December 16, 2008 6:48 PM::

> Gionatan Danti wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I have a question regarding CygWin/X.
>> I would like to know if there is a method to scale a window, similar
>> to what is possible with UltraVNC and its scaling option.
>> To be more clear, I will explain my setup. I have a Linux server
>> where run a fixed-resolution application: it's window can't be
>> resized and/or maximized. When I connect to this Linux server via
>> CygWin and SSH X forwarding, I can maximize the window (because
>> CygWin start in multiwindow mode and use it's own window manager),
>> but the majority of the maximized window is empty (it's white).
> This sounds like a bug.  Ideally, the Cygwin/X multiwindow mode
> window manager should also take note of the hint that this window
> isn't resizable/maximizable and not allow it to be maximized.

I agree

>> I would like to know if there is a method to scale the image so that
>> it can fit completely the maximized window (eg: by mean of linear /
>> bilinear filtering).
> This feature doesn't exist.

Agree again, but it would be nice.  Perhaps with a fully hardware 
accelerated GL, compiz or similar would be usable?

On the other hand, almost all X applications support the -geometry
option, and/or setting the font, so even though it isn't resizable, it 
may be possible to run it with a larger window initially, and by using
a larger font achieve a similar (perhaps better) result.

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