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Re: Updated: nedit-5.5-4

David Monksfield wrote:
The following package was updated in the Cygwin distribution:
*** nedit-5.5-4

This release includes a patch for proper operation with X11R7.4.

Since the X server update, some NEdit windows won't resize any more. I can't grab a corner, and the 'Resize' option in the window menu is greyed-out.

Examples include the 'Find...' and Replace...' dialogs and, more importantly,
the output from 'Shell' menu items that have their command output set to 'dialog'.
I use this a lot, e.g. I have one for 'cvs diff'. The size of the output can vary
enormously, so it's important to be able to resize the dialog.

This definitely worked prior to the X11R7.4 upgrade.

This is an interesting regression, and doesn't appear to be nedit-specific... I'd also noticed some windows which should be resizeable aren't (e.g. pidgin plugin configuration dialogs)

Some code from Xming has been added to the X server's built in window manager so it doesn't give the WS_SIZEBOX style (a frame you can grab to resize to the window) to any window which is a child of a parent (has the _WM_TRANSIENT_FOR property).

I looked for, but don't see any code to look at _WM_NORMAL_HINTS to determine if the window is not re-sizeable (minsize = maxsize?) and if not, remove styles WS_SIZEBOX (and WS_MAXIMIZEBOX style to avoid maximization as seen in [1]) (Hmm... perhaps WS_MAXIMIZEBOX should also be removed if the hint PMaxSize is set?)


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