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Re: update - Vista: no copy/paste X -> MS

On Tue, 24 Feb 2009, Marc Girod wrote:

Dick Repasky-2 wrote:

not being able to copy from an X application (xterm or nedit) and paste into Windows Notepad.

For what it's worth, and notwithstanding the need for deeper analysis and a
I can report that, disabling the Office clipboard (e.g. from Outlook),
copy&paste work for me from emacs run on X to the Windows Notepad, on Vista.


On my system toggling the Office clipboard toggles the ability to copy from X and paste into Windows Notepad when Notepad is launced before X.

If I launch X and then Windows Notepad I cannot copy from X and paste into Notepad independently of whether Office clipboard is on or off.

If I launch Windows Notepad before launching X, I can copy from X and paste into Notepad when Office clipboard is off. I cannot copy and paste when Office clipboard is on.

I'm running Office 2007, I have been using Excel to toggle the Windows clipboard.


Dick Repasky Center for Computational Cytomics UITS Cubicle 101.08 Indiana University USA

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