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Re: xterm Home/End keycodes

2009/3/15 Thomas Dickey <>:
>> I'm a bit confused about those. They didn't change during the xorg
>> transition, did they? I could have sworn they sent VT220-style ^[[1;
>> and ^[[4; but actually they send PC-style ^[[H and ^[[F. Of course I
>> should have realised this when I changed F1 to F4 to PC-style codes in
>> MinTTY ...
> PC-style is the upstream default (I don't recall whether cygwin's
> older package modified the app-defaults files).

Thanks, I think my confusion actually stemmed from starting with PuTTY
code, which sends VT220-style keys when set to Xterm mode.

I note that Debian uses PC-style too. Is this issue fairly settled
then, i.e. do most systems use the PC-style keycodes for their "xterm"
terminfo entries?


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