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Problem with Alt-key not being recognized after X Server window loses focus


Recently the X11 server window stopped recognizing the 'Alt' key after I changed focus to another Windows XP window. When I start the X Server (xinit), the system recognizes when I press down 'Alt'. However if I then just click outside the X server window on the Windows XP desktop, and then back to the X server window, 'Alt' stops working. (I'm running fvwm and use Alt-mouse-1 to move windows. This works fine until focus is lost for the first time.)

I don't know exactly when this started, but I've updated cygwin with the latest X packages and the problem still persists. I am running Windows XP on a Thinkpad T60p. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


- J. Davison de St. Germain    (801) 581-4078 -
- Chief Software Engineer        -
- SCI Institute, SE C-SAFE          University of Utah                -

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