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RE: many spurious equals sign in xterm?

Billy provided the (pointer to the) solution. Which was working for me to fix coincident problems.
Greg and misc had the same problem.
I'm again seeing quick edit in cmd not work well, took the battery out, still not working, maybe I really need to put it back?
 - Jay

> Date: Fri, 29 May 2009 20:47:39 -0700
> From: cgwalnut
> Subject: many spurious equals sign in xterm?
> To: jay
> Hi,
> I found your posting about cygwin at this link:
> I found a solution that worked for me discussed here:
> It's silly, but popping the battery out of the laptop removed the issue, and the FilterKeys discussion was dead-on.
> Just a suggestion if you haven't found one yet (I noticed there were no replies in your thread - I first had this issue a few months ago and it took until now to get it resolved).
> Good luck.

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