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Re: "Generic Event Extension" message

On 24/08/2009 18:50, Peter J. Stieber wrote:
cygcheck.out attached.

Thank you.

The X Generic Event Extension (XGE) was added in libX11-1.2 and xorg-server-1.6 in order to support future X event types within the limited number of event opcodes allowed in X.[1]

Any time the client Xlib detects that the server does not support an X extension which the client code wants to use, it issues a similar warning. For example:

$ Xnest :2 &
$ DISPLAY=:2 gvim
Xlib:  extension "RANDR" missing on display ":2.0".

That's because the Xnest server does not support the RandR extension (as you can see with xdpyinfo).

In your case, your remote client must be using libX11-1.2 but the current Cygwin 1.5 xorg-server is only 1.5.3, which does not have XGE support. The good news is that the missing extension is harmless, as nothing actually uses XGE yet.

Cygwin 1.7, currently in beta[2] but due to go stable RSN, already ships with the latest server and libraries, so this message will go away whenever you update to 1.7.



Yaakov Cygwin/X

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