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Re: Cygwin/x window no longer appears

On Thu, Nov 12, 2009 at 11:16 PM, Olivia Cheronet
<> wrote:
> Hello!
> I have recently started to work with Cygwin/X.
> Until now, I have been starting Cygwin/X by using startxwin.bat in the Cygwin bash shell. Everything seemed to be working fine. However, it has now stopped working...
> When I type "startxwin.bat" in the Cygwin shell, the normal
>>startxwin.bat - starting on Windows NT/2000/XP/2003
> appears. Yet, the window which used to appear no longer does. I am really not too sure what to do about this, given that I have not (consciously!) modified anything.
> I have installed Cygwin (and Cygwin/x) very recently, and have tried to reinstall the latter using Cygwin's setup.exe, but to no effect.

I assume it's the terminal window (xterm) that does not show up.
Does the X server start up? Check if the little X in the system tray
is present, and stays when you put the mouse over it . If not, you
need to check /var/log/XWin.*.log; there may be some error message
there. (Best to delete it and then try startxwin.bat)

Another test is to start a cmd.exe and run startxwin.bat from there.
Are there any error messages from running startxwin.bat ?
Does startxwin.bat really try to start the xterm? Maybe it got
commented out (that's what I do with my startxwin)

Hope this helps somewhat,
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