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RE: xterm doesn't open on start

Linda Walsh wrote:
>Timares, Brian (Patriot) wrote:
>> Any other ideas?  I keep updating but so far all I can do is launch
>> an Xterm manually and clean up, then everything seems fine til the
>> next time I relaunch it.

>	Do you have
>set in your Windows environment?

I didn't, but I do now.

I am forced to use Outlook so I forwarded the more extensive email to my
personal account so I can edit it more easily/correctly and because my
work got pretty busy.

I reverted to 1.5 to see if that would work better, it doesn't really,
so I'll try to install 1.7 in parallel when I get a chance (I have
servers doing things now so I have to let it alone for awhile).

I do appreciate all the terrific replies--I've been on the net for
awhile and this is one of the friendliest lists I've been on.

Brian Timares
oh and then there is the 7-year-old, he is taking lots of time :)

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