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Re: GSlice problem with emacs Gtk+ build

On 07/12/2009 10:06, Ken Brown wrote:
There's a known workaround, which is to set G_SLICE=always-malloc before
starting emacs. As emacs maintainer, I've been reluctant to provide the
Gtk+ version of emacs, because I don't want to answer hundreds of emails
telling people about the workaround. I could supply a wrapper script
that sets G_SLICE, but I'm still afraid that would cause a lot of
confusion; I suspect many people are in the habit of calling
emacs-X11.exe directly. I have therefore configured the emacs-X11
package to use Xaw instead of Gtk+. But Gtk+ is really much nicer, and I
would like to be able to provide an emacs-X11 that uses it.

What about adding to the beginning of main():

#ifdef __CYGWIN__
    setenv("G_SLICE", "always-malloc", 1);

Yaakov Cygwin/X

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