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Re: xterm no longer accepts keyboard input

On 3/14/2010 10:17 AM, Jeff Spirko wrote:
The icon runs from the Windows environment, so the run.exe and
bash.exe wrapper programs are needed to set up the proper cygwin
environment.  Once you're in a cygwin shell, you already have the
cygwin environment set up.  That's why you don't need to type them in
from the command line.

So, they really should be equivalent.

I would have thought so, too. However, the fact remains that the outcomes are different for the two methods of starting X.

I can live with working around the second problem (that launching X using the shortcut doesn't work at all) by invoking startxwin.exe directly. I'm much more eager to solve the original problem (X no longer recognizes input from the keyboard). So, while I don't want to discourage anyone from looking for clues to solving the keyboard input problem in the log file from the launch of X which blows up, I am focusing on the original problem myself. Attached is the log file from launch of X which does *not* result in the failure dialog window, but whose X session is not able to use input from the keyboard.

Bob Kline

Attachment: XWin.0.log
Description: Text document

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