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Re: How to launch an xterm using "Monospace" font

On Fri, 6 Aug 2010, JOHNER Jean 066030 wrote:

On Thu, 5 Aug 2010, Thomas Dickey wrote:
I would like to launch an xterm terminal using "Monospace" font.
Monospace is the font used by default by gvim.
I tried:
xterm -fn "Monospace"

xterm -fa "Monospace"

is perhaps what you meant.

Thank you for your quick answer. xterm -fa "Monospace" gives no error message but open xterm with the same font (which is not Monospace) as: xterm

yes (one of the features of Xft is that it provides no error messages, but simply uses the default font if there's any problem...)

If you try
xterm -fa "foobar"
you also get the same result, for any "foobar" string.

That sounds as if the strings you're giving don't match the available font family names. If you have "fc-list", it can give a list of names.

Thomas E. Dickey

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