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Re: Segmentation Fault in OpenGL - glutMainLoop

On 06/12/2010 04:14, Nathan Rose wrote:
> I suspect this problem may be beyond the scope of this mailing list, but I would really appreciate any
> help that you could provide. 
> I have someone else's code that uses OpenGL (it's a massive set of files, so I'm not going to attach 
> them here). It compiles fine on Cygwin, but when the glutMainLoop method is called I get a 
> segmentation fault. I have tested it on Ubuntu and this does not occur there, so my assumption is 
> that there is something wrong with how I have set up Cygwin. The following packages have been installed: 
> libglut-devel
> libglut3
> glproto 
> libGL-devel
> libGL1
> libGLU-devel
> libGLU1
> libglitz
> libxcb-dlx-devel
> libxcb-glx0

I guess you are using the S2PLOT library.  The current version (2.6) of that
doesn't seem to build for cygwin, so I can't try to reproduce your problem.

> I have attached the stackdump from the segfault and the output from cygcheck, in case they can help 
> identify the cause of this issue. I'm not expecting that anyone will be able to magically solve this with 
> what little information I have provided, but any hints as to which direction I should proceed would be 
> very much appreciated.

Note that the stackdump reports STATUS_STACK_OVERFLOW (which I believe means
something like 'a guard page for the stack could not be mapped'), rather than

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