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'de' keyboard layout issues (Re: AW: AW: AltGr key mostly fires an additional CONTROL key)

On 04/08/2011 03:21, Paul Maier wrote:
Thanks for the logs, that was very useful.

I still can't reproduce this (although holding AltGr down to make it
autorepeat seems the best way to try to do that).  It is a timing issue with
the keypress/release messages so it might be sensitive to CPU speed, or
perhaps you have some software installed which looks at keypress/release
messages and changes the timing?

I've had a go at fixing it.  Can you please try the build I've uploaded at [1]
and see if it still shows the problem for you?


Hi Jon,

works fine for me. I Played around quite a while, but the CONTROL-locking didn't occur any more. Yippie!
Is it ok, if I leave the hotfix file permanently in on my PC (I mean, did you base it on a recent XWin released version with just my
bug fix in - or is there other experimental stuff inside?), then I'll use it automatically during work and I can let you know in
case of problems.

That particular build is 1.10.3-1 plus the patch for your issue.

I wouldn't have started a thread with the following, but since we have already started looking at this keyboard, maybe you are
interested in some of these:

A new thread would have been fine :-)

I am assuming you are using the 'de' keyboard layout:

[ 29391,484] (--) Windows keyboard layout: "00000407" (00000407) "Deutsch", type 4
[ 29391,484] (--) Found matching XKB configuration "German (Germany)"
[ 29391,484] (--) Model = "pc105" Layout = "de" Variant = "none" Options = "none"
[ 29391,484] Rules = "base" Model = "pc105" Layout = "de" Variant = "none" Options = "none"

Tilde sign (~) should be a normal (not a blind) key.
   In Windows I hit AltGr+"+" to get ~, in XWin I need to type AltGr+"+" then space to get a ~.
   See attachment for the initial XWin xmodmap -pke table.
   Possible xmodmap correction (works fine):
   keycode  35 = plus asterisk plus asterisk asciitilde

This is a can of worms I don't want to open :-)

At the moment, in the 'de' layout, the tilde deadkey will add a macron diacritic, e.g. AltGr + "+" + a = ã.

I really lack the expertise to determine if this is a bug in xkeyboard-config (if this german keyboard behavior is something no german keyboard user would ever expect or want)

The xkb configurations we use come from the xkeyboard-config project, and aren't trying to be identical to Windows, but to conform to the appropriate national standards and user expectations.

However, I can see in the case of XWin this is problematic, as it will be confusing to switch between X and normal Windows windows which have different keyboard behavior.

As a workaround, you might find specifying -xkbvariant nodeadkeys, deadgraveacute or deadacute helpful.

Euro Currency sign doesn't work.
   I know - it's not a latin1 character, but together with CP1252 this xmodmap correction works like Windows:
   keycode  26 = e E e E 0x0080

I guess this is another symptom of Xlib not understanding the de_DE.CP1252 locale.

This works fine in the de_DE.UTF-8 locale.

I suppose I could patch Xlib to fix this, but I'd rather encourage people to use UTF-8 locales.

ALT+Space produces a NBSP character (HEX A0) in Windows, but not in XWin.
   xmodmap correction is unfortunately not possible, because the xmodmap setting on ISO_Level3_Shift+Space is just thrown away:
   Something like
   keycode  65 = space NoSymbol space NoSymbol nobreakspace
   keycode  65 = space space space space nobreakspace
   doesn't work: it's discarded and the setting is not shown on a "xmodmap -pke".
   So I put nobreakspace to the fifth place of another key - there it works.
   That would be good if key 65 (space key) would accept above xmodmap setting or have it initially.

Reading [1], this looks like an (undocumented) Windows-ism

Number block is not working.
   See attachment for the initial XWin xmodmap -pke table (all these KP_* settings look good at the first sight, but the keys don't
produce numbers).
   Possible xmodmap correction (works fine):
   keycode  63 = asterisk asterisk
   keycode  79 = 7 7
   keycode  80 = 8 8
   keycode  81 = 9 9
   keycode  82 = minus minus
   keycode  83 = 4 4
   keycode  84 = 5 5
   keycode  85 = 6 6
   keycode  86 = plus plus
   keycode  87 = 1 1
   keycode  88 = 2 2
   keycode  89 = 3 3
   keycode  90 = 0 0
   keycode  91 = period period
   keycode 108 = Return Return
   keycode 112 = slash slash

I can't reproduce this problem.

I wonder if this is a problem with handling numpad overlaid onto normal keys on a laptop keypad? Again, -logverbose 3 output together with xev output would be helpful.

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