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Re: AW: 'de' keyboard layout issues (Re: AW: AW: AltGr key mostly fires an additional CONTROL key)

On 09/08/2011 00:17, Paul Maier wrote:
1. Tilde sign

Tilde sign (~) should be a normal (not a blind) key.
    In Windows I hit AltGr+"+" to get ~, in XWin I need to type AltGr+"+" then space to
get a ~.
    See attachment for the initial XWin xmodmap -pke table.
    Possible xmodmap correction (works fine):
    keycode  35 = plus asterisk plus asterisk asciitilde

This is a can of worms I don't want to open :-)

In case it wasn't clear, the can of worms here is ensuring that XWin selects a keyboard layout which matches the Windows one in all cases.

At the moment, in the 'de' layout, the tilde deadkey will add a macron
diacritic, e.g. AltGr + "+" + a = ã.

Obviously I meant to write 'tilde diacritic' here :-)

I really lack the expertise to determine if this is a bug in xkeyboard-config
(if this german keyboard behavior is something no german keyboard user would
ever expect or want)

The xkb configurations we use come from the xkeyboard-config project, and
aren't trying to be identical to Windows, but to conform to the appropriate
national standards and user expectations.

However, I can see in the case of XWin this is problematic, as it will be
confusing to switch between X and normal Windows windows which have different
keyboard behavior.

I did some research: German computer keyboard layout is defined in DIN 2137-2. And to my surprise I found, that tilde is a dead key there. That means, that the xkeyboard-config project perfectly matches the DIN norm, while Windows (where the key is not dead) does not match it. So I understand, that you may want to stick to the DIN norm.

Usability comes before standards compliance :-)

A workaround for guys like me, who want the XWin keyboard work the same like Windows,
is possible with xmodmap, so yeah ... let's close this point.

Doing some more research, I found an upstream bug [1], which seems to make the opposite claim about DIN 2137-2(1998)

I also discovered that the nodeadkeys variant of the de layout was at one stage the default used by XWin when a German Windows keyboard layout was reported [2]

Maybe the 'correct' solution is possibly to create a 'nodeadtilde' variant of the de layout in xkeyboard-config, and then to arrange for that to be the default used by XWin when Windows reports a German keyboard layout.

Perhaps you'd like to try the attached patch to /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/de, which adds a nodeadtilde variant, which you can then select with -xkbvariant nodeadtilde.

Or perhaps the correct solution is to use one of the existing deadgraveacute or deadacute variants as the XWin default when Windows reports a German keyboard layout?


Attachment: de.patch
Description: Text document

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