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Re: Cut and Paste between X and WindowsXP sometimes fails

On 03/02/2012 22:55, Bennett, Tony wrote:
> Often when "cutting" from Xwin and attempting to "Paste" to a WindowsXP application,
> the "most recent" "cut" is not pasted... but instead a "previous" Xwin "cut".
> In other words, this scenario:
>     LOCATION    ACT            Comment
>     Xwin        Cut "abc"
>     WinXP       Paste		 correctly pastes "abc"
>     Xwin	    Cut "def"
>     WinXP       Paste		 Incorrectly pastes "abc"
> When the above problem occurs, no matter how many times a "cut" from Xwin,
> Whenever I paste on WinXP it pastes "abc".
> I can "correct" the problem by "cutting" from WinXP and pasting into Xwin...
> ...after doing this the next Xwin "cut" will "correctly" paste on WinXP.

Yes, this is a rather long-standing problem (see the bug report at [1] for
some of the technical details), which is unfortunately not easy to fix in a
way that works well for all cases.

Fortunately, there is a simple workaround for the moment: If you install and
run xclipboard, that will cause XWin to notice every change of the clipboard


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