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Strange xterm scrolling problem introduced in XTerm(289)

A strange scrolling problem seems to have been introduced in XTerm(289)

I have a large scrollback buffer.  Now when I scroll back my xterm,
anything that was previously "above" the top of the current screen
appears indented about 20 spaces:

                                                - r w x - - - - - - +
 1   r e i s e r t   D o m a i n   U s e rs 424739 Feb 12
                                                - r w x - - - - - - +
 1   r e i s e r t   D o m a i n   U s e rs 424740 Feb 12
-rwx------+ 1 reisert Domain Users 424749 Feb 12 14:43 callsigns.csv.~29~
-rwx------+ 1 reisert Domain Users 424749 Feb 12 14:44 callsigns.csv

Can anyone duplicate this?  Note that when I copied/pasted the above
lines into gmail, the first two lines (in the scrollback buffer)
appeared in a different font than the two lines that were not in the

Jim Reisert AD1C, <>,

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