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Re: X connections reset on PC sleep

On Wed, Feb 13, 2013 at 03:05:37PM +0000, Jon TURNEY wrote:
>On 12/02/2013 03:51, Ray Balogh wrote:
>> Sorry, I???m sure this is a known issue, but I can???t seem to locate any
>> description of the problem in the FAQ, docs, or mailing list archives.
>> The problem is that when my PC sleeps, my X connections get reset with
>>           xterm: fatal IO error 104 (Connection reset by peer) or KillClient
>> on X server ???somehost:0???
>> although the Cygwin/X server (Ver. 1.13.1) is still running. I???ve enabled
>> logging, but I don???t see anything at all in the log file.
>> Is there some configuration to stop Cygwin/X from doing this? It???s extremely
>> inconvenient to have to recreate all my windows if I happen to step away from
>> the system for a while. I???m running the X clients under a Ubuntu VM (VMware
>> Player), in case that is significant.
>I'm afraid that the X protocol doesn't have any way for a running client to
>detach and reconnect to a server.  If one end of the connection goes to sleep,
>the connection will be broken.

I use (and love) this package:  which allows you to start
an X server "in the background" and connect/disconnect to it.

See also: which provides a GUI for manipulating xpra.



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