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Re: type command

---Ashish Khurana <> wrote:
> Hi,
> >From Fri May  1 04:41:37 1998
> >> Thanks for updating, but no luck.
> >> Problrm remains as is, if I use ash.exe as sh.exe the type command 
> >> doesn't work and if i use bash.exe as sh.exe the type command works
> >but 
> >> other shell commands that are in my makefile targets starts
> >> 
> >> Why is it so?
> >
> >1) what does $PATH look like?
> I've checked and I feel it is ok, I'm able to run the shell commands 
> from anywhere in the folders.
> >2) what does $MAKE_MODE look like?
> It is the unix one.
> >3) what does $CYGWIN32 look like:  
> >       before starting bash?   
> >       after starting bash?
> There is nothing set in it all the time. Is it somewhat related to
> problem?

Yes,  do "SET CYGWIN32=tty binmode" before starting bash.
-        \\||//

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