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MSVC5 calling a gnuwin32 dll


I'have the following problem.

       I need to call a dll generated by gnu-win32(b18)  from a MSVC 5
using LoadLybrary and GetProcAddress functions.

        I have try to do that first by using gnu-win32 and MSVC5 to
compile the caller,
but in all the cases, the LoadLibray fail and returns 0.

        My question is: Is it possible to do that , and if so, how can I
proceed ?



Alain MEVEL, TNI, Technopole Brest Iroise,
Z.I. Pointe du Diable, CP1 29608- Brest Cedex, FRANCE
phone: +33 2 98 05 27 44 , fax: +33 2 98 05 63 50

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