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Cygwin telnet.exe for nt-emacs telnet-mode?

[Resent to cygwin, I mis-typed the address the first time.  Sorry if
it generates a duplicate.]


I have Cygwin B20.1 and Sergey's remote package, including telnet.exe.
Is this telnet application suitable for telnet-mode in nt-emacs  A workaround is to invoke this telnet from a bash shell in
shell-mode, which works fine (lots of ^M's but that should be easy to
solve), but this displays the login password in plain text.

What telnet application are people using for telnet-mode in nt-emacs?
(I couldn't access the jtelnet link in the nt-emacs faq, but I'll keep

Thanks for your help.


  David Starks-Browning                  |
  EMBL Outstation --                     |
  The European Bioinformatics Institute  |
  Wellcome Trust Genome Campus           | tel: +44 (1223) 494 616
  Hinxton, Cambridge, CB10 1SD, UK       | fax: +44 (1223) 494 468