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RE: Total lack of accurate documentation!


First, it's nice to know that this list is populated by so many thin
skinned jerks that don't mind typing off a quick e-mail who's contents
they'd NEVER say to someone's face!

I have no problem helping write documentation.  First I need to learn
the product.  This would be facilitated by easier access to the mailing
list except my mail server refuses to let me connect to the cygwin one.
Something about a known source of spam or some such.  Never seen that

As I can not actually respond the e-mail vie the 'reply' function, I'll
try this.

Relating to what DJ Delorie said:  thanks for the note.  Having only one
person handling documentation for a product this size must really suck!
I'll try and compile a list of stuff I've found to be inaccurate and
forward them.  Until then, is there anything in particular you could use
some help with?

As two the two problems I mentioned, yes, the alias was fixed by
removing the spaces.  Several people mentioned the mount issue, though I
didn't understand fully their intent.  If I do a 'mount' I can see where
d:\temp is mounted to /tmp.  I can cd to /tmp. But /tmp does not show up
in a ls -la.

So I tried a few of the suggestions.  I umounted /tmp, did a mkdir /tmp,
mount d:\temp /tmp, then a ls -la /.  I got an error ls: /tmp: no such
file or directory.  I don't understand this either.  I did not do a ls
-la /tmp.  Just /.  So I umounted /tmp, deleted /tmp, and now nothing
relating to /tmp works.  I can no longer even do a mkdir /tmp as I get
the error - mkdir: cannot make directory '/tmp': No such file or

Under unix this never would have been an issue, so apparently I just
don't understand the port.  Can someone point out where I screwed up?

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