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RE: from Win32 to linux : any Visual C++ to gnu make converter?

> 	I want to port some windows application to linux. I am looking for
> an automated way to transform my ".dsw" files (which are the Visual C++
> equivalent of the gnu makefiles) into real GNU makefiles.

Have you tried Project->Export Makefile from within Visual?  I have no idea
how compatible the makefiles it creates are with GNU make, and I would be
interested in knowing.

> Is there any cygwin equivalent tool dedicated to the port of win32
> applications to linux? (not "wine").

Note that the Wine group is also working on WineLib, a library that you link
with your Windows API code that allows it to run as a pure Linux/X
application.  I couldn't figure out from the Wine website
( whether WineLib will work on Linux platforms other
than x86.  However, it may serve as a useful tool to start transferring
programs over; first compile under WineLib and then start removing
Windows-specific stuff (especially stuff that doesn't work under WineLib...)

Andrew Bell

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