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Excel dlls and file locking

I have created a dll that is called from Excel and it works fine,
however all files that it opens are locked.

I think what is happening is that the host_dependent.shared parameter
to CreateFileA is 0 (in fhandler_base::open) because it is
not being initialized by the cygwin_noncygwin_dll_entry point.

The call stack is something like cygwin_noncygwin_dll_entry ->
cygwin_attach_noncygwin_dll -> dll_noncygwin_dllcrt0 ->
dll_dllcrt0_1 (in dll_init.c)

And in comparison to dll_crt0_1 in there is NO call
to host_dependent.init()

I've also been trying to turn strace on in the dll with no luck,
setting the environment with STRACE=0x10 or CYGWIN=strace=0x10 does
nothing inside the dll.

I also fiddled directly with cygwin_getshared(), but this didn't
work either. 

I'm using the original b20.1 cygwin1.dll.

Is there anyway to work around this without building a new cygwin1.dll?

Thanks in advance.

Eric Fifer

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