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Re: [Q]: Linking against DLLs.

On Mon, Aug 02, 1999 at 04:20:40PM -0700, Steve McAndrewSmith wrote:
> "Gary V. Vaughan" wrote:
> > There is some code I use in libtool for that very purpose (adapted from
> > code written by DJ Delorie for the next version of binutils).  Incase
> > you have trouble finding it (it is hidden inside the libtool script),
> > and for the benefit of the mail archives, I have extracted a copy and
> > attached.  This time for real... sorry folks.
> O.k., very nice, very nice, prints out a list of all the imports.  Now
> what?

Oh, yes.  Well that was the difficult part.  You now have an defs file
for the dll, and it is just a matter of building the import library for
that dll using dlltool:

  dlltool --dllname foo.dll --def foo.def --output-lib libfoo.a
Linking against the static library libfoo.a will now stub your
executable to find symbols exported by foo.dll at runtime by loading
that dll from your search path.

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