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Minor typo in /usr/i686-pc-cygwin/include/cygwin/in.h


I have just downloaded and installed latest netinstall version of cygwin.
I tryied to compile my program which is using sockets for network
communication. It refuzes to compile because of one typo in header file
mentioned in subject.

The typo is in declaration of structure for IPv6 socket address.

currently it is

struct sockaddr_in6
        unsigned short sin6_family;
        unsigned short sin6_port;
        unsigned long sin6_flowinfo;
        struct in_addr6 sin6_addr;

and should be 

struct sockaddr_in6
        unsigned short sin6_family;
        unsigned short sin6_port;
        unsigned long sin6_flowinfo;
        struct in6_addr sin6_addr;

The typo is in last field of structure :-)

I was sending this message originaly to cygwin-developers list, but I am
not subscribed to that list, so my message was rejected. I hope someone
authorized will read this email at least this way.

With best regards,

P.S. Thanks for such great environment for easy porting of unix programs 
     to win32.

Stefan Ondrejicka <>
Beethovenova 11, 917 08 Trnava, Slovakia

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