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RE: g++ compiled code using cout results in a stackdump


I had a similar problem when using g++ on Solaris, and it was due to linking with which is the Sun supplied c++ library, which supplied a cout (and cin, cerr, clog) as well.  You possibly have a similar situation, either directly or are using a library which is linked with another c++ library implementation.

Hope this helps,

Al Slater

-----Original Message-----
From: "Bruce E Rosen"<rosen@CS.UCLA.EDU> [mailto:rosen@CS.UCLA.EDU]
Sent: 04 September 2000 05:20
To: <>
Cc: "Bruce E Rosen"<rosen@CS.UCLA.EDU>
Subject: g++ compiled code using cout results in a stackdump

I am compiled the simple hello world program (a.cpp) in C++:
#include <iostream>
void main()
        cout << "Hello World\n";
compiled it.
	g++ a.cpp
and the following output was produced when run:
      0 [main] A 1185 handle_exceptions: Exception:
   8012 [main] A 1185 stackdump: Dumping stack trace to A.EXE.stackdump

The problem is the iostream.  (Using gdb, I had tracked the problem down
to the cout statment from a much larger program). g++ had worked
previously, but now now (after the most recent updates) Im running g++
version 2.95.2, on the most recent version of cygwin (I've installed all
the updates using setup.exe) on Windows98.

I tried uninstalling and reinstalling gcc, but there was no change. Any
help, hints, etc would be appreciated.
Diagnostic info:


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