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Re: chmod and ntsec

Subject: chmod and ntsec

If you can't be bothered to read the 9 page FAQ on ntsec, try this:

bash> cp -p /etc/passwd /etc/passwd0 && mkpasswd -l -d >/etc/passwd
bash> cp -p /etc/group  /etc/group0  && mkgroup  -l -d >/etc/group

The "-l" switch examines your NT musrmgr.exe database.
The "-d" switch must examine the user database on your domain.

I wasted a load of time trying to get ntsec working, too, so now I just use "ntea" in the CYGWIN variable. Apparently this is not a
good idea for FAT disks, but all mine are NTFS so I don't care.

> I'm running CygWin on Win2k with CYGWIN="binmode ntea ntsec tty".  I'm not sure
> what version of CygWin I'm running.
> When I try to chmod something, I get a permission denied error.  But I'm able to
> change the permissions through Window's GUI.  What am I doing wrong?  Does chmod
> not support NT security, yet (is it even possible for it to)?  Do I need to
> upgrade?

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