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Re: OpenSSH on Cygwin... Ctl-C kills the session

On Thu, Oct 25, 2001 at 06:34:37PM -0400, Theodore Pardike wrote:
> Corinna, Chris, and John,
> I have been following your discussion about "OpenSSH on Cygwin... Ctl-C kills the session" on the Openssh List Archives.
> On 06/27/2001, Scott Crosby also posted about this problem.  Apparently this problem only occurs when "ForwardX11 = yes" (I have also confirmed this under 2.9.9p2).  See the following thread:
> Due to the fact I use Hummingbird Exceed, I would also like to see this problem get resolved.

What about debugging that problem then?

Just FYI, I could reproduce that problem this morning.

It only happens in the following combination:

	Running in a Windows console window
	CYGWIN=... notty ...
	ForwardX11 yes
	Protocol 2

Switching to non-forwarding X11 or to protocol 1 or using CYGWIN=tty
or running in a xterm or rxvt hides the problem.

I had a close look into the ssh sources but I don't see the difference
between Protocol 1 and 2 in terms of tty handling, neither do I see
a difference between X11 forwarding and non-forwarding in terms of tty
handling.  In either case SIGINT is redirected to a function
signal_handler() in clientloop.c.  There's no difference in handling
this signal.

Any debugging help or fixes gladly appreciated,

Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Developer                      
Red Hat, Inc.

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