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Re: no command output via ssh


Saturday, 27 October, 2001 Alex BATKO wrote:

AB> Hi Egor, I normally start sshd by typing it into the console.
AB> I had once tried starting it as a w2k service, but that didn't work.

a lot of people had successfully installed sshd as a service on nt/w2k
and using it without problems. you're probably doing something wrong.
take a look at README from openssh package, it contains comprehensive
instructions about setting up sshd as a service.

AB> I've got inetd.exe, but not /etc/inetd.conf.
AB> Can you suggest something ?

you should install inetutils package. it contains iu-config script
which creates inetd.conf

sshd can be corrected to work around those "clever" applications when
it's started directly, without inetd, and it's not that hard to provide
a patch similar to inetd's one, but now, using inetd is your only

AB> Once I can resolve this problem, I'll post back to the group, but
AB> right now i'm writing to you directly.  I hope you are OK with that.

it's better to keep postings on-list, and i'm intentionally stetting
Reply-To: accordingly. Someone else may have comments on the topic,
and, as list postings are archived, it'd be possible for others to get
information they need by searching mail-list archives.

Egor.   ICQ 5165414 FidoNet 2:5020/496.19

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