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Re: Printing PostScript file

Lester Ingber wrote:

> Up until about a month ago I was able to send PostScript files to my PC
> network PostScript printer using the -S flag (as on Solaris) to specify
> an IP address, e.g., I used
> lpr -S10.6.18.220 -Pq -ol
> and it worked great even in batch mode for many files.
> Now it seems broken?  I get:
> lpr: unknown option -- S
> Has the cygwin utility been changed?

Sort of.  Unless you were using a custom program, there WAS no cygwin 
version of lpr until about a month ago.  At that time, a cygwin version 
of lpr was added to the cygutils package.

My guess: you were previously using the native windows version of lpr in 
C:\WINNT\system32\ and now are using the new cygwin version.

Good things about the cygwin version: understands cygwin paths and 
filenames.  Bad things: command line options aren't the same -- and I 
don't think it can use ip addrs as print destinations.  Contributions 


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