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Re: pdksh installation

> I am also looking forward to the release of a built-in ksh for
> Cygwin.
> And, I can see that you wouldn't want to bug the maintainer with
> frivilous questions that would delay what you are looking for.
> However, I don't see a problem with making and playing in your
> own mud-puddle.  Here is what I have figured out so far:
> You will need the bzip package installed so that you can run bunzip2
> from the command line.

You will also need tar as it is a bz2'ed tarball (bzip2 tar archive). A

tar jxf file.tar.bz2

would extract the tarball in the current directory.

> I believe that (others please jump in to correct if I am wrong) that
> the Cyg Installer unpacks the package to the cygwin root directory
> and then runs /etc/postinstall/<package_name>.sh.

Package files a root-relative. Take a look at


If you don't know what I mean. They are then extracted, the package file(s),
into the root of the cygwin tree. If the package require's some "post"
configury/setting up of the environment then the postinstall script is the
place to do it. It is not a requirement.

> What I did was unpack the bzip file to a scratch dir and then read
> the <pkg>.sh to figure what post processing I had to do for my particular
> mud puddle.

This is the exact reason why setup.exe exists. It makes your life easier by
doing all of this hard work for you (eg. extracting the package and making
sure and postinstall requirements are met).

> If all of the above is Greek to you, then it probably would be best
> to wait for the official release.

Big Ditto! :-) Btw, the official release is here and should be on a Cygwin
mirror near you shortly.


Elfyn McBratney
elfyn at exposure dot org dot uk

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