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Re: [EXTREMELY OFF-TOPIC] The sad state of cgf's exciting new laptop

On Tue, Apr 08, 2003 at 11:28:27AM -0500, Gary Van Sickle wrote:
>>So, I'm now out so much money that I'm almost physically ill.  It was money
>>that I'd been saving for a special birthday and now its gone.  And, I
>>have nobody to blame but myself.
>Uh, no, you have nobody to blame but the crook who scammed you.  The 
>only blame you have in this is not watching "The X-Files" and learning 
>something those who did learned long ago: Trust No One.

Yeah, but you have to be cynical if you want to get by in this society.

>>I'm off now to put in a bid for the Golden Gate bridge.  The seller is
>>named "notascammer" and he's got a 25% positive rating on eBay.  Sounds 
>>a sure thing...
>Well, just to be sure, this time you better use one of those "escrow 
>services" I've been hearing about in the news.  I don't know much about 
>them, but I'm sure this "notascammer" guy can recommend a reputable one. ;-)

Heh.  Actually I mentioned this escrow thing in private email to someone.
That really sounds like the way to go.


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