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Cygwin 1.5.10: Possible bug

Hi all,

I have come across a problem with cygwin (I think) which prevents it from being used to compile JNI bindings.

If I link any code to cygwin, and then try to load the resulting dll with System.loadLibrary, the JVM "gets stuck" and goes to 100% activity. Eventually, I kill it.

Previously, with 1.5.4, I had been able to do this OK, but when the resulting DLL was loaded in an applet (rather than directly into an application), I got a security exception (basically, a seg fault) in a call to getservbyname() (which was called with constant string arguments).

I have a simple test-case (a couple of java files, a couple of C files and a header, as well as an ant build-file and a html file for the applet) which can be used to reproduce the problem with Sun's 1.4.2 SDK. I haven't tested it with others.


David Neary
Phenix Engineering
110 ave Jean Jaures, 69007 Lyon

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