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Re: Problem uninstalling/deleting cygwin

> >
> >after a (stupid) attempt to install an older version of cygwin over my
> >current installation (using the "cygwin time machine" mentioned some
> >days ago) I just wanted to throw it away and start anew, but the cygwin
> >directory is undeletable. 
> >
> >This is due to some symbolic links from versions of uninstalled programs
> >pointing to nowhere (i.e. /usr/autotool/devel/bin/automake, which is a
> >symlink to automake-1.9). 
> >I am able to change owner and permissions of these files to whatever I
> >want, but I can not delete them ("Permission denied").
> >
> >What should I do, to get a clean new install?
> This subject is really off-topic for this list.  The "cygwin time machine"
> is not a service supported by this list.  As mentioned at 
> <>, you want to 
> consult

Well, I thought my question had something to do with
permissions/ownerships or perhaps stale symbolic links. I doubt, that
installing older versions on an existing cygwin installation is the only
way to run into such a problem.

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