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Re: (RESOLVED) Re: Installing Perl modules with "perl -MCPAN -e shell; " fails with "02packages.details.txt.gz does not contain a Line-Count header"

John Morrison wrote:

On Mon, February 28, 2005 12:19 pm, Stephan Petersen said:

Hi Gerrit,

thanks for your and all the others' replies.

- The CPAN repository and build directory *must* reside in a path
 mounted in binmode:

   mount -s -b -f c:/cygwin/home/username/.cpan /home/username/.cpan
   mount -u -b -f c:/cygwin/home/username/.cpan /home/username/.cpan

Could something along these lines be done in the postinstall for perl? (Only if the mount doesn't exist of cause...)

The user may want to use a different directory as repository and build directory. It should be done during the initial configuration, however I'm not sure if is worth the time to implement it. Since there are two or three rreports about this issue in a year shows that Joe User is actually reading the README *or* is not using textmode mounts.

Anyway: PTA, Gerrit -- =^..^=

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